Second Grade » Second Grade

Second Grade


Welcome to 2nd Grade


Class Expectations:


Pause and think,

be Respectful.

I will be honest.

Do the right thing,

and Encourage others

at Northwest Elementary!



Grading Policy:

100-80 = 3

79-60 = 2

Below 60 = 1




Each student will be responsible for keeping up with his/her homework folder each week. Homework this year will consist of nightly reading. Keep in mind that this does not have to be completed all at one time. You may decide to do some when your child gets home from school and then complete the rest at bedtime. This helps to break up the time for you and your child, which works best for some students. I do encourage you to have your child read as much as possible. This will help them tremendously with their reading skills. Spelling will be weekly. Spelling words will be based on your child’s word work level. You will be provided a spelling menu in your child’s homework folder. This menu is optional use, as you may choose an activity to practice each night. You do NOT have to turn in the work completed. There may be additional assignments given to review concepts from that day’s lesson in class. Other assignments will be sent home in a packet for completion and must be returned by FRIDAY of each week (unless it’s a short week, due dates will then be written in the agenda). As the parent, you will need to sign the agenda to CONFIRM that your child did all of their homework. All homework will need to be returned in on time, neat, and complete.