Erin Roach » Important Information

Important Information

Important Information



1. School fees are $12.00. (fees are $7.00 ; agendas are $5.00)


2. Transportation:

We must know how your child is getting home each day. If there is a change you must notify us in writing otherwise they will be send home the original way. If you send an email about a change, please make sure I have responded to you so that I am aware of the change.  If you do not get a response from me, please call the office. We cannot take the child’s word. Please write the note on a separate piece of paper and put it in the notes sleeve in the S.T.A.R. notebook.


3. Medication

If your child needs medication while at school, you must have a form filled out by your doctor. Forms are in the office.


4. S.T.A.R. Notebook (Students Taking Academic Responsibility)

Each child will have a S.T.A.R Notebook.  This will be our parent/teacher communication tool. At the end of the day we will record their class dojo in the agenda.  We ask that you initial the agenda each night. Any notes will be written in the agenda for you to see. 


5. Homework

Students will have a maximum of 20 minutes of homework a night. They will have reading and spelling homework. They will have a homework folder that will stay in the S.T.A.R notebook. Homework will be given on Monday and due on Friday morning. Anything given from the office will be in the “Look at Me” section.

6. Snack

Students may bring a snack. You may also bring a water bottle but it must be able to be sealed completely.

7. Lunch

We eat lunch at 11:15- 11:45. You are more than welcome to come eat lunch with your child. We encourage you to send money for lunch on a weekly or monthly basis. The money will be kept on your child’s account in the cafeteria. Make checks payable to Northwest Cafeteria. 


8. Attendance

Please send a written excuse within three school days when your child is absent. If a note is not received within three days, the absence will be unexcused. Please do not write the note in the agenda. If your child is late, you must go by the office to check in and get a tardy slip.


9. Phone Numbers

Please inform us if your home, work, or cell number changes. That is our only way to contact you if there is an emergency.


10. Behavior

I will be using Class Dojo this year.  There is a paper in your child’s folder that will connect you to the app for your phone or computer. Each student will start the day with 2 points.  It will let you know when your child gains or loses points depending on their behavior. These points will turn in to classroom dollars that they will be allowed to spend at the store on Fridays. Students will restart each day with two point while collecting the money they earned the day before in the zipper pouch in their S.T.A.R. notebook.


11. Email

Email is the best way to get in touch with me.  Please contact me with any questions or concerns that you may have. I’m looking forward to a great year!