Please read the Northwest Elementary School Improvement Plan. We are always interested in your comments.
The School Improvement Plan is written by the team members with opportunities for all staff to comment and add suggestions.
This group meets the second Monday of each month.
SIT Minutes available upon request.
Every year members are nominated and voted onto the team.
Angie Kiger, Principal
Cheryl Baity, Assistant Principal
Lisa Cockerham, Kindergarden
Kim Elliott, First Grade
Jessica Carter, Second Grad
Jill Craver, Third Grade
Tabitha Sanders, Fourth Grade
Erica Hege, Fifth Grade
Candy Pierce, Media
Mariah Mitchell, Guidance
Amy Dally, Enrichment
Ashley DeStasio, EC
Katrina Romblad - Parent Rep.
Vacant - Parent Rep
Lisa Kiziah - Office Representative
Becky Boyles, Teacher Assistant
Brenda Myers, Teacher Assistant