Parents are asked to complete a COVID screening form for each student and send it with the student when he/she returns to school on September 14 (A Day students) or September 17 (B Day students).
Forms are attached to an email that is being sent with this message if you have a current email listed in PS, the forms will be sent through Class Dojo, you can find them on our school website or you may stop by the school between 7:30 - 3:30 on Thursday and Friday to pick them up.
This is especially important for bus riders. Monitors will be riding buses the week of September 14 to collect these screening forms and to take student temperatures.
However, after the week of September 14, monitors will not ride buses and students must have a screening form on file to board a bus.
We need your help keeping our schools safe, so please remember the following:
• If information you provide on the screening form changes, contact the school prior to
sending your student to school.
• If a student has fever, the student will not be allowed on a bus or in a school. If your
child rides a bus, please be sure you are available at the bus stop in case your child is
sent home.
• If your student is experiencing any COVID-like symptoms or possibly has been exposed
to someone with the virus, do not send the student to school.
Students who are remote learning at 100% are able to have 5 breakfasts and 5 lunches picked up by a parent via drive-thrus at the following sites: North Davidson Middle, Oak Grove Middle, Ledford Middle, East Davidson High, South Davidson High, Tyro Middle, and Central Davidson High. Meals can be picked up at these locations between 11:00am and 12:00pm on Wednesdays, starting September 16th. Meals will need to be ordered, weekly, via the Google Form link on the district website. If you have difficulty with that you may call the school tomorrow and we will submit the information for you. The first pickup information must be submitted Thursday, September 10th by 11:59pm. Meals will consist of shelf-stable, refrigerated, and frozen items, along with a menu and a set of heating instructions.
If your students are not remote only, your child's teacher has reached out to you about lunches and transportation as we start back under Plan B next week. Parents may choose to have their child bring home 3 breakfast and 3 lunches on Tuesday if they are A day and Friday if they are B day for any student under the age of 18. If you wish to have your child bring breakfast and lunch home on remote days please let your child's teacher know by 12 noon tomorrow, Thursday, Sept. 10. If you have included any other siblings in the count please do not include them with another student or school so that we do not prepare extra meals. If you have not responded to the teacher about how your student will go home from school, please respond to them by noon tomorrow about that as well. Since students will be bringing home extra food, we are asking that you send an extra tote or bookbag to help them carry the food home.
Please be sure that your child brings any paperwork that was sent home on orientation days on their first day back next week. Also please go online to pay your child's school fees and their technology fee if you child elected to take a chromebook home during orientation.
Also send a filled water bottle with your child since we are not using the water fountains. We will have refill stations but do ask that the bottles come to school already filled.
We are also asking parents to please sign up for Class Dojo. We are using Class Dojo School-wide this year. It is very quick and easy for us to send out school-wide messages this way instead of doing a phone call. Class Dojo allows parents to get the message on their cell phones instantly.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call the school, email or contact your child's teacher.